Monday, September 28, 2009

Hola From Chile

Sorry to all but I was not able to write any letters last week but I will write some today sorry I don't know how long it will take to get there. Also my first baptism is scheduled for the 11 of October and we have several planned afterwards. Can't wait to get wet!

Ok my spiritual thought will be short today on the account that I may or may not have gotten carried away playing ball with the other elders and might just about be out of time lol.

I will start with a story,
Yesterday it was raining and was super cold! I could see my breath at 4:00 in the afternoon and it only got colder. So we did what missionaries do and we went tracting! lol I loved it, we were colder than (fill in one of dads ridiculous phrases) but it was actually one of our better days because since the people here in Chile are just so incredibly nice, when they open the door and see us freezing they let us in so we stuck 5 people with baptismal dates! ha ha it was great. I think it worked so well one because I would share my testimony that we were out tracting in the rain in a foreign country because of our solid testimony of this truth and two because we were obedient. We could have been like oh I don't feel like traveling an hour today and standing out in the rain and made up whatever excuses we wanted. but I have learned that any excuse, no mater how valid the reason, is simply a lack of character. Yeah sure this life can be hard and sure at times we are going to be asked to do things that are really outside of our comfort zone, but if we obey with willing hearts and helpful hands the Lord will bless us with spiritual treasures untold and unimaginable to the natural man. I testify this to you and promise you this as an authorized missionary of Jesus Christ. Those are not light words.

I must obey

Oh yeah one more REALLY important thing...I love you guys! you are all in my prayers and I cannot wait until we are together again.

yo se que solomente mediante Jesuchristo que nosotros podemos estar junto para siempre.

I know that only through Jesus Christ that we can be together forever.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Weston's Current Address:

Elder Weston Fischer
Misión Chile Santiago Norte
Forestal 2680, Oficina 32 Cajita 18
Conchalí, Santiago

The Latest From Chile

Here is Weston’s message for this week – as you see – it is short and it explains why – but sounds like he is doing great!

O.k. so for some reason mylds mail is broken. Fortunately President May said that we can use our other email accounts for our first week but only to get names so I won’t write a lot. Just to my family. I didn’t want you guys to worry. But wow I wish I had more time so much has happened this week. My companion’s name is Elder Marshalll and President May has trusted us to open a new area. There are just two members there lol. We are out in el campo (the country) we have done a lot of work and have two baptism commitments. For there being practically no members here, this is a miracle. We don’t have a house yet so we are living 30 minutes away so that is kind of a pain to travel every day but we are making progress on a house. We are excited and looking forward to the work. Hopefully the stupid computer will work next week. chow!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Week 8 and final message from MTC

Buenas Tardes,

Ok real quick just a few items of business. Ok so my Salt Lake City flight leaves at 300 pm and I fly to Dallas where I have a two hour layover. Then I fly straight to Chile. It last from 910 pm to 740 am! lol oh man. So as far as that care package goes, I trust you. Just make sure you throw in some starbursts!

This week has been pretty eventful. Yesterday I sealed a blessing for the first time ever. Also yesterday Elder Richard G. Hinckley spoke to us! He sounds and looks just like his dad. He was also very funny.

Also in my last day of basket yesterday I was on fire. I dunked once and I dominated Mr. "all star" lol yes I am still a little prideful lo ciento

Anyways they have us running around crazy trying to get us ready to leave - meetings here and there and then kind of packing all throughout the week.

One thing that was cool is that last week in the RC Elder Gates and I taught a native couple and the spirit was real strong especially during the atonement and they actually said they wanted to try to come the same time this week and get us again. ha ha it was great.

Spiritual thought: my thought this week is based on Nephi. He never fails to amaze me with his obedience diligence and faith. He never complained once against his God. He was tied up and beaten on more than one occasion; he was ridiculed for building a boat, persecuted for standing up for what’s right and continually rejected by his own flesh in blood. But still this amazing hombre de Dios (man of God) persevered in obedience and faithfulness. My advice this week is to think about what more you can do to help others and to serve your God. Be strictly obedient. Obedience is the first law of heaven. And as Nephi said in his last words: I must obey. For as I have learned, obedience is the secret to missionary work

I love you all and I love this work,
Chow Elder Fischer

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Week 7

Hey all!
This week has been pretty eventful. First off, the district ahead of us left Monday so we are now the top dogs. It was sad to see them go because some of them are like my most mejor amigos ever! ha ha I think they just might be able to convince me to come to BYU. Anyways, my ribs are fine now so no need to worry about that, you know how I am always getting hurt lol.

Ok I am so excited because we now have an LDS Spanish bible! It is soooooo much better. Also it has really got me excited about my new marking system! It is legit!

Ok so just two weeks left till I finally take off for Chile! I am really excited and nervous at the same time.

Another thing, mom and dad, could you guys send me a copy or a summery of grandpa and grandmas conversion stories? I know Granddaddy’s (and actually I have an interesting story I will tell you about in my other letter)

Spiritual thought: today I would like to talk about Grace. The true definition of Grace is The Divine Power of Christ’s Atonement. Through this great gift from God and from Christ, we can all be clean and comforted, for he truly did suffer for each and every one of us. As I have been really studying the New Testament my testimony and love for my Savior has greatly increased. I know some of you are going through some hard times right now and that is why I am telling you about Grace. In Romans 5:21 we read that sin reigns to death but Grace reigns through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ. While we are on this earth we are going to go through some pretty rough times. Our Heavenly Father is aware of this and He loves us and He will always comfort us. For as Romans 8:31 says: if God be for us, who can be against us? I love this scripture and it brings me great joy when I read it. We all go through great struggles in our lives but I feel sometimes we must realize more fully the depth and power of the atonement and all of the great agony and suffering that Christ went through. I fill guilty when I complain about just a little suffering. Then I think of the great Grace of Jesus Christ and I realize, it’s all going to be alright. I love you all and I love this work, till next time, Chow Elder Fischer

mediante la expiacion de jesucristo, y su gracia, pudimos salvo y feliz todo siempre